Monday, March 24, 2014

Iwan Baan, "52 Weeks 52 Cities"

My interview and profile of the Dutch architectural photographer Iwan Baan, Retratos okupa de la arquitectura, appeared this past Saturday, March 21st, in Babelia, the weekly cultural supplement of El País.

In the article, we talk about his current show, 52 Weeks, 52 Cities at the Marta Herford Museum in Germany, where he brings together a year's worth of images from every corner of the world, both documentary photography of vernacular enclaves and architectural photography.

What interests me about his work is his way seeing architecture as it is seen and used by its users, and in its larger context. Instead of sterile, beautfully composed sculptures, buildings become a support and setting for everyday living. As I say at the end of the article, he portrays how we okupy them (a word taken from the squatter movement in Spain), just like we okupy natural and urban environs.
"Su obra nos muestra un nuevo mundo, algo extraño y a veces tremendo, con tanta miseria tan extendida. Pero a pesar de los desafíos que retrata, su visión es más bien optimista. 'Es alucinante ver la capacidad que tenemos para inventarnos la vida, a veces bajo condiciones inimaginables," observa. "Aunque existe una línea de trazo muy fino por la que no se debe idealizar la vida de los habitantes de una ciudad como Lagos. Con esas condiciones, en cualquier caso, la gente construye lugares muy particulares, y están muy orgullosas de ellos. Ver eso me parece fascinante. Su vida allí se convierte en una toma de postura ante los desafíos a los que se enfrentan. Han encontrado una fórmula que funciona, ha creado un lugar donde se puede vivir.' "
© Iwan Baan
Photo top:
House K
Sou Fujimoto, Architect
Osaka, Japan

Second photo:
Floating School
Kunli Adeymi, Architect
Makoko, Lagos, Nigeria

Iwan Baan
52 Weeks, 52 Cities
Exhibition and catalog
MARTa Herford Museum
Herford, Germany
Dec 8, 2913 - Mar 30, 2014

Iwan Baan

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